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Thomas J. Geygan Jr. - Mr. Thomas J. Geygan Jr.

Mr. Thomas J. Geygan Jr.

Mr. Thomas J. Geygan Jr.
Geygan & Geygan, Ltd.
8050 Hosbrook Rd., Suite 107

Cincinnati, OH 45236
(513) 791-1673

We are a client driven law firm with the technical inferstructure to allow the fastest possible collection of information and submission of applications.  Clients can check the status of their case 24/7 through our online system.  For companies with multiple employees we provide all of the reporting that is needed for full compliance.  We ensure that timely reminders are sent to ensure that there is no disruption in our clients lives, because of immigration issues.

You can schedule your first no cost consultation by using the web address listed above or call my office